The first chapter of the Fuckery book is titled Name It To Tame It. We cannot transform what we do not acknowledge. The work of combatting Fuckery starts with taking inventory.

While developing this framework, Jon and Lori identified the common fuckery behaviors, wrote them down on index cards, and sorted them into groups.

The cards became the Fuckery Deck. The Deck turns static words into something you can see and touch. Holding the physical representation of your own unacknowledged fuckery is powerful. Habits are regularly added, as teams provide new examples we’ve overlooked. You can use our list to make your own Fuckery Deck.

(* Indicates Go to Hell Pile (GHP), beyond the scope of this book)


Fuckery is not just a book. It is a user guide to help leaders map out the real interpersonal issues within their team. In addition, the “Fuckery” discovery process is a set of tools for the team to help eliminate the personal petty conflicts that inhibit true teamwork and prevent high performance achievements. Applying the principles and exercises within Fuckery will create greater trust between employees resulting in a more productive and trusting organization.

Give your team the opportunity to realize their own fuckery—and how they can overcome it.

Book a workshop, virtual coaching cohort, or off-site exploration with Lori.