Using the simplicity of a two-by-two matrix to tell a story, the Communication Matrix identifies the result of varying the amount of Discovery and Direction in human interactions. Assertive communication is the result of balancing Discovery and Direction, a critical skill for any leader. (Learn more about these skills here.)

  • Do you have a pattern of asking questions? Are you able to be quiet long enough to make observations and really listen? Are you low or high on the y-axis?

  • Do you have a pattern of speaking your mind? Do you freely voice your thoughts? Are you low or high on the x-axis?





This is the transition where strong individual contributors embrace their leadership roles. Whereas the Communication Matrix calibrates Discovery and Direction to develop Assertive communication patterns, the Leadership Matrix develops a Team by integrating Collaboration and Accountability. Collaboration, the y-axis, is about building relationships, supporting each other, and working together. Accountability, the x-axis, is the driving force behind the actions necessary to achieve our goals. Together, Collaboration and Accountability are Success Factors wielded by high-performing Teams.

  • Are you naturally a driver of Performance or a builder of Community?

  • Are you more likely to set benchmarks or attend to relationships?




The Mission Matrix introduces the Belonging and Momentum vectors, and the corresponding quadrants of Culture and Value, as a framework for the challenges that arise as organizations pursue their Mission.

The Mission Matrix starts from the Team quadrant. The x-axis, Momentum, capitalizes on the achievement of the Team and is the result of the increasing scale and velocity of the business. The destination, Value, provides direction for Momentum and is clearly understood by both the customer and the business. Belonging, on the y-axis, cultivates broad interconnectivity between people, defining a Culture of high trust. Belonging dramatically reduces organizational fuckery and drag. Mission, in the upper right quadrant, is why the company exists, its raison d’être. The integration of Momentum and Belonging achieves the Mission.

  • Where do you see the organization you work in?

  • How are Belonging and Momentum integrated throughout your company?


Great book. If you want to attack your weaknesses and make improvements as a leader or as an employee this book can help. Lori and Jonathon give you a simple plan and if you are open to the fact that we are not perfect and can make improvements, this book will help you make them. Trust is key to relationships and leadership. Awareness is key to making improvements.

Give your team the opportunity to realize their own fuckery—and how they can overcome it.

Book a workshop, virtual coaching cohort, or off-site exploration with Lori.