Unresolved conflict doesn’t go away on its own. It festers, draining and distracting employees. Other co-workers feel the tension of the dispute, drawn in to take sides. Customers sense existing frictions and doubt creeps in.
Unchecked, conflict shows up as incompletion of tasks, missed deadlines, and eroded psychological safety. Interpersonal conflict damages trust and the bottom line.
Ignoring it is not an effective strategy and hoping things improve is not a plan.
Get back on track by 1) acknowledging the problem and 2) committing to working it out. A third party clarifies both understanding and solutions. That’s where Radius comes in.
we get it
Our mediators are social workers, not attorneys. Our expertise is helping clients to define the problem, communicate their needs, and design the plan that brings resolution and healing. Band aids and quick fixes don’t work, so we cultivate rigorous honesty to reveal the root of the conflict.
We get complexity. We see conflict at personal and systemic levels. We understand:
Cofounders locked in tension
Leadership teams mired in fuckery
Supervisors and employees with strained relationships
Employees struggling to get along
Family business conflict
Membership and Association dynamics
Based in biology
Like all Radius services, enhancing self-awareness and strengthening relationships are at the core of our approach. Integrating interpersonal neuroscience and emotional intelligence, we recognize that connecting with others and a sense of belonging are foundational to health and growth both in and out of the workplace. Physical and psychological safety are present only when these two vital needs are met. Our facilitators also understand that social-cultural-political contexts greatly shape our sense of safety—you can count on us to bring a trauma-informed equity lens.
foster trust & communication skills
Resolving conflict and repairing rifts boosts the health of your organization. Through facilitated dialogue with one another, employees voice their experiences, emotions, and concerns. Like all productive interpersonal conversations, participants may feel vulnerable during the exchange, often a gateway to feeling heard, understood and empowered. The process imparts relational and conflict resolution skills that participants can use at work and in their personal lives.
engage radius workplace mediation services
In the middle of conflict it’s hard to see your way through. Trust us to bring clarity and resolution.
Employee stress
Poor collaboration
Diminished results
Absenteeism, turnover
Lower productivity
Increased health risks
Possible legal costs
Toxic environment
Exploration of conflict’s source
Increased understanding of concerns
Shared sustainable solution/resolution
Pathway forward to work together
Framework for future disputes
Photo by Gregory Fullard
“One effect of sustained conflict is to narrow our vision of what is possible.”
the fine print
Our mediation services are voluntary, confidential, impartial, and expedient. We’ve adapted to virtual services during COVID-19.