Radical Engagement

 John Browne recently wrote an article in Fortune, "Why Trust Should Matter to Every CEO." (It's a pity this isn't glaringly obvious.)

"[B]usiness needs a new approach to the way in which it connects with society. From the boardroom to the shop floor, companies need to incorporate societal connection formally into their operations and strategy.That will mean having a clear understanding of the value of different external relationships and ensuring the company defines clearly its contribution to society, beyond its financial benefit... And most importantly, companies need to engage radically, on society’s terms rather than their own."

Big oil and gas rank low on societal trust. Here in Portland, Bullseye Glass is the local villain, targeted for threatening air quality and creating a public health emergency. Regardless of the size and mission of your business,

  • How does your company "engage radically" with your local communities and society at large?

  • In what ways do the core values of your organization reflect and enhance societal values?

  • Companies across industries and sectors are challenged to build trust with their customers and their own employees. What examples demonstrate a commitment to "win society's trust?"

  • Why does it matter?